
Commission Status: Open


I do art, gaming, and voice stuff. If you like my content, follow me on my socials!

Commission Info


If you're looking to make a commission request, feel free to DM me on Twitter or send me an email to [email protected].Prices are in CAD:
Bust Up: $80
Half Body: $90
Full Body: $105
Chibi: $80
Background: +$30
Accessories (eg. Weapons): +$20
However, if the piece is more complex, I may charge based on a quote.


Not Safe For Work (NSFW)
Boy’s Love/Girl’s Love
Muscular characters

Feel free to inquire if there is something you want that is not on the list

Terms of Service

• I may post the commissioned art and explicitly make clear that it is a commissioned work (I may @ you on your social with the post)
• Commercial use must be notified beforehand and cost will be doubled
• Commissions may take between two weeks to one month to complete
• Half of the cost will be paid upfront as soon as I accept the commission and the other half will be paid upon completion
• There will be no refunds unless I am unable to finish the commission
• Payments will be handled on PayPal in which you will send me your email and I will send you the invoice
• There will be two revisions available
• Changing or editing the commissioned art is not allowed
• Please give credit if you use the work on social media such as a wallpaper, banner, icon, etc

Previous Works